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啤酒是如何拯救世界的(啤酒是如何拯救世界的 种子 MKV 下载)


What is the best partner for crayfish, it must be beer. What you may not know is that beer has actually saved our world.


This should be started from the frightening disease, which is the Black Death, also called the Pestis. The power of the Black Death is more serious than current Covid-19, which lasts for more than 300 years and directly kills nearly half of the human beings in Europe.


At that time, there is only 50% chance to live to 6 years old. Yes, it is a luxury to only grow up alive. Wars, plagues, etc. will kill people in minutes. And there is a hidden killer, that is, water.


At that time, Europe did not have a complete sewer drainage system, so all domestic and industrial waste were dumped into the river. It made the whole river to be a big septic tank.


Europeans didn’t dare to drink the river water, and didn’t know that it could disinfect the drinking water throw boiling method. They finally found the best solution, that is, drinking beer. Whether men, women, or even young children, start drinking beer, and use beer and food as the only way to get water. In the sixteenth century, each European will drink 300 liters of beer per year, six times that of today. People in the Middle Ages were completely unknown that after boiling the beer, it was brewed just for the good taste of beer, but it killed the deadly bacteria inadvertently.


Europeans are troubled that beer cannot be preserved for a long time and they want to drink the beer at any time. The famous biologist Pasteur studied why beer deteriorated and finally discovered the presence of bacteria. From this, does the bacteria make people sick? Therefore, the pasteurization method was discovered, which laid the foundation for modern medicine.


The basic ingredients for brewing beer are water, barley, yeast, and hops. Different mix ratios and different quality of the substances, have caused millions of flavors of beer. But there is only one eternal standard unchanged, that is, clean and hygienic water, which not only makes beer taste delicious, but also can be kept for a long time.
